Class 6
Welcome to Class 6!
In Class 6 Mr Wilson is the teacher alongside Mrs Steventon and Mrs Carlin (Teaching Assistants).
Our PE day is Monday. Our PE kit should include: trainers, black/navy bottoms/shorts and a plain white t-shirt.
Key Dates
Crucial Crew Visit - Wednesday 18th September 2024
Bullying and Kindness workshop - Thursday 19th September 2024 (In school)
Y6 SATS information meeting - Friday 17th January 2024 - 8.45pm.
Y5/6 Residential Visit - Monday 19th May - Wednesday 21st May 2025
Home Learning
More coming soon...
In maths, your child will learn to read, write, order and compare numbers up to 10,000,000 and determine the value of each digit. They will learn how to round any whole number and use negative numbers in context.
Children will solve addition and subtraction multi-step problems in context, deciding which operations and methods to use. They will be taught to multiply multi-digit number up to 4 digits by a 2 digit number using the formal written method of long multiplication and divide numbers up to 4 digits by a two digit whole number using the formal written method of long
In writing, we will be writing recounts, narratives, non-chronological reports and persuasive letters.
In Geography, we will be looking at Sustainability and Pollution and in History our focus will be on WWI and WWII. In Science, we're focusing on Light and our area of learning in PSHE is relationships.
Our class story is Letters from the Lighthouse by Emma Carroll.