It is our aim to ensure that every child at Canklow Woods is safe and protected from harm and we expect everyone who works in our school to share this commitment.
Our Safeguarding contacts in school are:
Mrs Sara Birch - Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs Annie Morgan - Deputy Safeguarding Lead
Mr Daniel Rudland - Inclusion Practitioner
If you have any safeguarding concerns about a child within our school, parents can contact a member of the safeguarding team above on 01709 828405 however all of our staff have regular safeguarding training and so should you raise a concern with any member of staff then we will deal with that concern in line with our Safeguarding Policy.
Our Safeguarding Governor is Mrs Julie Parry who can be contacted via email at
If you are worried about a child outside of school, contact the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) on 01709 336080 or if a child is in immediate danger then call the police on 999.