"The important thing is to never stop questioning."
Albert Einstein
- At Canklow Woods Primary school we believe that high-quality science education provides the foundations for understanding the world.
- We recognise the importance of science in aspects of our daily life.
- We increase pupils’ knowledge and understanding of the world, developing the natural curiosity of the children we teach
- Children acquire skills and knowledge that will encourage children to think scientifically, gaining a clearer understanding of scientific processes to understand the uses and implications of science today and for the future.
- Scientific enquiry skills are embedded into each of our taught blocks and are revisited and retrieved throughout children's journey through school.
- The national curriculum provides us with a structure and skill development for the children, being taught throughout school, some of which is revisited and further developed later in school life beyond Y6.
- We teach science in a fun, engaging and exciting way.
- We aspire for children to be passionate about science through the activities and investigations they take part in, for it to create interest and enthusiasm for the world they live in.
Our science teaching will do the following:
- Develop pupils' interest and enjoyment of science, thus developing a positive attitude towards science and discovery.
- Pay particular focus to the children’s curiosity, encouraging them to pose questions, develop investigations and analyse any results.
- Deliver the requirements of the national curriculum in a way that is engaging, motivating and ensures the success of all children.
- Ensure all science lessons are purposeful, accurate and imaginative.
- Ensure pupils have sufficient scientific knowledge to understand both the uses and implications of science, today and in the future. This will also give pupils an appreciation of the changing nature of scientific knowledge.
- Ensure that skills when working scientifically are developed through school.
- We follow the National Curriculum to teach our Science at Canklow Woods Primary School.
- Wherever possible, science learning is practical and provides first-hand experiences for the children, giving them the chance to explore, experiment and investigate.
- This may include education visits or visitors into school also.
- Children are taught knowledge and skills in science and are encouraged to work scientifically from our foundation stage right through to year 6.
- We actively encourage the children to ask and answer questions through problem solving, exploration and investigation, and using appropriate scientific vocabulary too.
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Teachers create a positive attitude to science learning and reinforce an expectation that all children are capable of achieving high standards in science.
Science is…
- Arranged and taught in topic blocks according to the National Curriculum.
- Each block is linked to class topics with the use of a ‘Big question.’
- These Big Questions can be seen on our child-friendly road map for each strand of science: Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Earth Sciences.
- Taught discreetly to ensure full coverage.
- Planned to ensure the children are motivated, enthusiastic and able to develop their curiosity of the world, using high quality resources and often first hand experiences.
- Taught using a wide range of vocabulary linked to the topic and encourages children to use it also.
- Built upon learning and skill development of previous years, enabling the children to become more confident, proficient when selecting scientific equipment and drawing conclusions.
- Taught allowing for a wide range of scientific enquiry within each topic (pattern seeking, observation over time, classifying and grouping, comparative and fair testing, researching and using secondary sources) and uses a very ‘hands on’ approach where possible. Allowing children to embed scientific understanding.
- Taught with opportunities for outdoor learning including educational visits.
- Planned to develop the children’s questioning skills and observatory skills.
- Taught weekly in both key stage one and two and is encouraged within the continuous provision in EYFS daily.