Canklow Woods Primary School

Canklow Woods Primary School

Part of White Woods Primary Academy Trust

Wood Lane, Rotherham, South Yorkshire, S60 2XJ

01709 828405

School Events

We are very proud of all the events which we run though out the school year, many of which we enjoy inviting our wider school community to.  

The following events are already booked in for this year but please keep checking the weekly newsletter for the most up to date times and details

Throughout the year we have the following regular meetings and events:

SEND Consultations

Children who are on the SEND register have 3 SEND reviews each year however if you have a concern in relation to your child having a Special Educational Need then our SENDCO runs consultation appointments every fortnight.  You can request an appointment using this google form.   Please remember the first person to speak to in regards to your child's progress is the class teacher - they know your child well and will be able to update you on progress.    Please also see our SEND web page for advice and signposts.

School Nurse Drop ins

Our school nurse is in school and available to speak to parents on the first Monday of every month.  Please see the newsletter for further information. 

Stay and Play

Stay and play takes place every week for children in FS1 and FS2.  These sessions allow you to play alongside your child and experience the setting with them